I-SITE - Effective Advertising

We love hearing stories about how effective I-SITE is.

Yesterday we were called into Harrys Bar (1 day into the cycle). 

'Look at that Carlsberg poster - people keep coming in and ordering Carlsberg' the Barman told us. 

We said 'isn't that great?'

'No, we don't serve Carlsberg!' 

If they did they would 'probably' sell alot. 


I-SITE - CYCLE 19 - All Clients

C19 - An Garda Siochana, Carlsberg, Today FM, Guinness GAA, Jameson

Perception is Reality

64% of pub go-ers says they notice advertising in-pub.

The rest also notice - they just don't know they do.

It is neatly termed Perception without Awareness.

It is a very strong influencer (even if you are not aware of it). 

Watch Derren Brown bring the concept to life. 

I-SITE - CYCLE 16 - 20th Century Fox 'Mike & Dave Need Wedding Dates', Warner Bros 'Lights Out', Guinness GAA

GhostBusting LightWalking Projections

Ghostbusting LightWalker Projections were very popular over the weekend in a very busy Dublin City.  There was one question we got asked quite often!